English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices

May 18-20, 2022    Grenoble France







The 7th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices was held at the Université Grenoble-Alpes in Grenoble, France. Postponed from 2021, EPIP7 was organized as a 100% in-person, face-to-face event, following previous meetings in Skopje, North Macedonia (2019), Caen, France (2017), Prague, Czech Republic (2015), Murcia, Spain (2013), Grahamstown, South Africa (2011) and Chambéry, France (2009).

EPIP conferences bring together researchers and teachers of English, phonetics, phonology, SLA and EFL/ESL interested in the issues relevant to English pronunciation, both native and non-native.


**In 2022, a sister-event Accents: Perspectives Sociolinguistiques also took place, organized by our colleagues in sociolinguistics and French as a Foreign Language. It started the day before EPIP7 began, with a special overlapping Wednesday morning round table in French and in English. 



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