English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices

May 18-20, 2022    Grenoble France




Registration & Payment *2 separate steps > Step 2: Payment

Payment is now possible via the link below, which leads to the AzurColloque platform.

You'll notice that everything is in French, so below are some useful translations if your French is a bit rusty. And of course, you can always contact us if you have any questions (Epip7@sciencesconf.org). 

CLICK HERE TO PAY: https://www.azur-colloque.fr/UGA/inscription/fra


  • étudiants/sans emplois 60€ (sorry, early bird is over ...) = students & unemployed people
  • membres LIDILEM, personnel & étudiants UGA 0€ = members of the LIDILEM resercah group, staff & students of UGA don't pay registration fees
  • non-étudiants 150€ (sorry, early bird is over ...) = non-students. Many of you will be non-students.
  • repas de gala 41€ = this is the Thursday evening conference dinner, including the ticket for the cable car up to the restaurant
  • repas de gala organisateurs 0 = Member of the organizing committee don't pay for the conference dinner. 
  • sortie en Chartreuse 40€  = This is the Saturday May 21 outing (bus+buffet lunch) into the Charteuse mountains next to Grenoble.
  • Commentaires, toute précision dont vous souhaitez informer l'organisateur (intolérance alimentaire, ...) : = Please add any comments which will help us to better organise EPIP7 for you, e.g. food allergies, special requests, etc.
  • La facture doit être établie :  The bill should be made out to either you or your 'institution' (votre organisme).
  • = I certify that the billing information indicated below is correct. The bill issued with this information will not be 'modifiable'. 

** The bottom of the page will look like what is below, with translations already provided by Azur:


Afin de payer par carte bancaire, cliquez sur le bouton "Paiement Paybox" ci-dessous.

Vous serez redirigé sur un site sécurisé et spécialisé.

= In order to pay by credit/debit card, click onthe button "Paiement Paybox" below. You will be redirected to a secure specialisd site.




Pour revenir à la page de sélection du moyen de paiement cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous :

= Payment: To return to the page where you can select the mode of mayment, click on the button below "Return to payment"




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